This project was made in my time working with the company Sayollo, an Israeli startup that specialize in in-game native ads and its main product gComm the first-ever purchasing platform of real-life products sold directly inside mobile games.

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UX, UI, Demo Video


Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After effects

Project Breif

Research Uber and Uber eats company and apps and find channels in which Sayollo can integrate and offer new revenue channels. Uber requested that we introduce a gamification aspect to their app and help get more orders through their Uber Eats as well.

Monetization channels
  • In-App awareness campaigns
  • Contextual products sell through Sayollo's platform
  • User acquisition campaigns for Uber One
  • Uber & Uber Eats Shared commerce experience
  • Native in-game ads featuring contextual products

Project Brief

Research Uber and Uber eats company and apps and find channels in which Sayollo can integrate and offer new revenue channels. Uber requested that we introduce a gamification aspect to their app and help get more orders through their Uber Eats as well.

Monetization channels
  • In-App awareness campaigns
  • Contextual products sell through Sayollo's platform
  • User acquisition campaigns for Uber One
  • Uber & Uber Eats Shared commerce experience
  • Native in-game ads featuring contextual products

This was a rather difficult matter because we were given a small space for our game and therefore smaller even for our in-game ad but I managed to get just enough.


Having talks with Uber they explained that the Uber app serves both drivers and riders, while each part of the Uber target market has its own characteristics, they also overlap in many ways. Uber's marketing strategy places product at the center and anything other should only enhance the experience. the company’s strategic expansion with Uber Eats also opened different revenue channels.

1 in 5
Ride-sharing Value
Uses Uber in US
Company Value
Uber Eats MAU
Main Persona
Age 18-28
Employment Part-time
Status Not married
  • Minimum Wage Income
  • College Student Education
  • Hobbies: Sports, Computers & theather





Get to my desired location on time with no delays, track my driver and plan my schedule accordingly, make the most out of the time riding in an Uber ride.
Find and order food using Uber Eats, tracking my order and have it delivered.

Pain points

Low income cant spend too much on none essentials, A lot of dead time when waiting for a ride, riding or picking up food.

"I use Uber ride and Eat to make efficient use of my time."

By taking our platform and integrating it into Uber and Uber Eats we offered a full consumer journey from native awareness campaigns to multiple revenue channels without interrupting the riders experience .


Create a new commerce experience for Uber users with gamification and native awareness brand campaigns through out Uber and Uber Eats App.


Find the right timing in-app to offer the right product for each individual user without interrupting the rider's journey, and enhancing the experience instead.


The game needed to be Hyper-casual, take small room and match the Uber brand guide lines to create a seamless experience for the users, while still offering commerce revenue .


Design custom made game that takes place in the free space in the app when the riders are either waiting for the ride or in transition. and would offer contextual products based on location.

Share campaign

For the first Coca-Cola campaign I made a hyper-casual hangman type game that would pull the user's contact list and choose someone's name at random and the user would have to guess before the bottle is empty, this game would lead to a campaign that promotes new flavors and share them with their contact.

Music campaign

For the second Coca-Cola campaign I made a hyper-casual rhythm type game that would lead to a user acquisition form for the upcoming Coca-Cola Music event.


Overall the meeting with Uber went great and they were very pleased with the ideas that were presented, they approved them and the partnership was formed this led to campaigns with multiple international brands inside the Uber app.

  • Sayollo's gaming commerce was exactly what Uber and other brands are looking for.
  • The familiar game UI within Sayollo's platform left players immersed in the Uber App.
  • Game points system converting to discounts needs to be integrated.
  • Campaigns had to be relevant ,contextual, affordable, and placed in the right place and time.
  • Pick-up location per product requires R&D.



Web Design


Redesign Sayollo's company home page, blog, one pagers, campaigns and more.


Crypto currency trading and teaching company website with SAAS plan.

BNR company

Construction and flooring company with unique products and services.


UI design for an analytics software featuring graphs, statistics and more.

Monster hunter world

Promotional site for the game Monster Hunter World.

Overwatch APP

App design for the game Overwatch with Statistics, Esports, News and more.


Redesign Sayollo's company site, blog, one pagers, campaigns and more.

BNR company

Construction and flooring company with unique products and services.


UI design for an analytics software featuring graphs, statistics and more.



Smart home app

App UX design for smart home devices, that allows the users to operate & monitor their home and all their devices in one app through their phone in the easiest way possible.

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Redesign Sayollo's embedded commerce platform with new features like multiple products and categories, addition of cart, purchase history, FAQ, Chat and Order Tracking.

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Design user experience and interface for Desktop and Mobile.

Branding, typography, logo design, marketing campaign and more.

Modeling, animation, character design and 3d products.


Redesign Sayollo's embedded commerce platform with new features like multiple products and categories, addition of cart, purchase history, FAQ, Chat and Order Tracking.

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Redesign Sayollo's embedded commerce platform with new features like multiple products and categories, addition of cart, purchase history, FAQ, Chat and Order Tracking.

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Redesign Sayollo's embedded commerce platform with new features like multiple products and categories, addition of cart, purchase history, FAQ, Chat and Order Tracking.

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Redesign Sayollo's embedded commerce platform with new features like multiple products and categories, addition of cart, purchase history, FAQ, Chat and Order Tracking.

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